Joined here in 2014. WAS a Bible study. So glad I didnt get baptized into this corrupt and immoral orginization!
Fuck those 7 pieces of shit in NY (I dont usually swear) just feeling extra grudgy today >:(
# 3 newbie post.
first of all, the newbies have set a record here!.
have you ever seen a 4pg post where 21 new members reply!
Joined here in 2014. WAS a Bible study. So glad I didnt get baptized into this corrupt and immoral orginization!
Fuck those 7 pieces of shit in NY (I dont usually swear) just feeling extra grudgy today >:(
i went to see the new mad max movie last night: "fury road.".
this post-apocalyptic world is not recycled gray, it is blazingly colorful australian desert terrain with wide shots that will stop your heart.have you ever seen an heironymous bosch painting of hell with its where's waldo panoply of brutish, demonic, figures inflicting torments willy-nilly as far as the eye can see?
well, fury road makes bosch look like a knit-one-purl-two doily maker at a sunday brunch.. director miller has thought about this movie, planned it, sketched it, worked it, perfected it millisecond by millisecond before scene one was ever second of onscreen activity has more interesting business happening than two hours spent by a voyeur in a nudist colony of playboy bunnies.. what is watching this film all about?
--Warning: Contains Spoilers!!!--
I watched this movie last night as well. It was great and I loved it! It was exciting and action filled. Great car chases and it keeps you on the edge of your seat.
I actually found a lot of comparisons to how that society was ran in the movie to how the actual Watchtower runs. There we many references I found connecting the Watchtower with Immortan Joe. Here is a quick rundown on my comparisons.
Immortan Joe: Is worshiped, served and as seen as the society's redeemer. Redemption is not found outside servitude of Immortan Joe.
Watchtower: The men of the Watchtower are worshiped, served and as seen as a necessity for redemption. Redemption cannot be found outside your dedication and loyalty to these men.
Immortan Joe: Gives necessary life saving water to the masses to keep them controlled and dependent on Immortan Joe. Without Immortan Joe you do not have water and there for no life.
Watchtower: Withholds family and loved ones from those who rebel from believing that redemption is found through the Watchtower only. Family is kept from them to control the masses and keep them dependent on the Watchtower.
Immortan Joe: Oppresses woman and limits who they are as "things" or breeders and milkers basically for his own selfish needs. Immortan Joe does not drink second class gross water like the masses but high quality mothers milk that's been stolen from oppressed individuals closer to "the top."
Watchtower: Oppresses woman and treats and views them as objects to be controlled and dominated. Woman have been beaten and molested by the "higher ups" just like the Immortan Joe woman are suppressed by the "higher ups" and nothing is done about it because the Watchtower protects the oppressor instead of the oppressed.
Immortan Joe: Uses non-serving humans as blood bags to keep his loyal servants alive. Those not loyal to Immortan Joe are oppressed and treated like slaves as they do not have redemption through Immortan Joe.
Watchtower: Insults and attacks those not loyally keeping their redemption through Watchtower. People according to the publications including disfellowshipped, apostates, those not serving the anointed, children of goats, and those not fully relying and serving the 7 men in New York have no redemption and therefor are treated as second class or even treated as satanic or "dead" by the loyal followers.
Immortan Joe: Has his loyal followers working for him as a privilege and fighting for him with lives ending with death. The greatest one can accomplish is serve Immortan Joe and die for him with full loyalty. To talk directly to him or take orders from him is considered a great honer. (Nux)
Watchtower: Has loyal followers preaching and doing labor jobs like building Kingdom Halls and maintaining headquarters. The greatest honer one can accomplish is dying for refusing a blood transfusion and staying loyal to the Watchtower. To talk directly to the 7 men running Watchtower is a great honer.
Immortan Joe: Has rebels that pretend to be "in" and working loyally for him while at the same time working against everything Immortan Joe commands and orders. This is done in secret as teaming up with "outsiders" is a "no, no" as Imperator Furiosa quoted "I must be seen alone" so hiding the wives and Max was necessary as to appear to remaining loyal.
Watchtower: Has apostates that pretend that they are "in" and serving loyally the Watchtower while at the same time preaching against everything the Watchtower stands for and orders the masses to do. This is done in secret and being seen with other apostates or disfellowshipped ones is a big no-no to keep up the appearance of loyalty.
Immortan Joe: Is taken down along with the society he runs by a few teamed up rebels. Many who were being oppressed by Immortan Joe are free from his oppression and society and the people have a chance to rebuild.
Watchtower: It's speculated that the Watchtower may be brought down by so many apostates and those who are "out" and still remaining "in" and appearance of loyally serving may bring down the Watchtower slowly. It's the apostates teamed up with "undercover" apostates and wordlys not falling for Immortan Joe....I mean Watchtowers message of who redemption comes from that may play a big part of ultimately damage the Watchtower. .
To top off of some of my connections with the Watchtower and Immortan Joe through out the movie Imperator Furiosa would of died from blood loss at the end of the movie but was saved by Max giving her a life saving blood transfusion. After all my Watchtower connections that scene was the cherry on top! I don't know if anyone else noticed these things but these are just a few connections from Mad Max and the Watchtower that I have made.
I recommended everyone go see that movie! It's fast moving with lots of action! You won't be falling asleep to this movie. Two thumbs up!
not yet.. however, over the past few weeks two members of the governing body have given talks encouraging young children to get baptized.. gerrit losch - france.
mark sanderson - germany.
if the reports are correct then the governing body of jehovah's witnesses are preparing jw parents to accept their young children getting doubt, soon, very soon, a caleb and sophia cartoon will appear in which child baptism will be promoted and encouraged.
i just remembered this thing this morning:.
sharing the same faith with the king of pop made me feel important for belonging to this religion, even if he was never baptised.
we were not in america or anywhere close by.
i'm quite interested in knowing the average age of those of us who use this forum.
i made a quick strawpoll that you can find at the following link: just pick an age and click "vote" if you wish to participate.. admins: if this breaks any rules, i apologize in advance..
i'm quite interested in knowing the average age of those of us who use this forum.
i made a quick strawpoll that you can find at the following link: just pick an age and click "vote" if you wish to participate.. admins: if this breaks any rules, i apologize in advance..
so i chose to attend the memorial last night.
it was a hall i don't usually go to but chose to go there because i felt like it would be the closest.
mind you i am not a jw and was never raised a jw and don't have any family who are jw.
People at times receive the best help when they have never asked for it. Let the Watchtower deal with me then. I am not screaming things from the roof tops, holding signs in front of the halls or spray painting or vandalizing their property.
If the Watchtower wants to "deal" with me...then let them.
I have had many Ex Witnesses piss all over my efforts in other forums/groups more then actual Witnesses piss on some of the things I say to them (which is some pretty up front stuff).
I still try to help the ex-jw community in this way...or any way that I can. I can't make all the difference in everyone and I am not aiming for that. Many people feel if you can't fix everyone, then why bother trying to fix a few? Well those few matter to me....even if it is the weirdo ex jw community. I am probably just as weird as they are :). So bring'em on!
so i chose to attend the memorial last night.
it was a hall i don't usually go to but chose to go there because i felt like it would be the closest.
mind you i am not a jw and was never raised a jw and don't have any family who are jw.
I dont want to fit in or impress anyone, that is not my intention. My intention is to help others.
Kick me out? On what grounds? Think how "good" that would make them look for kicking out a visitor having a friendly conversation with another.
so i chose to attend the memorial last night.
it was a hall i don't usually go to but chose to go there because i felt like it would be the closest.
mind you i am not a jw and was never raised a jw and don't have any family who are jw.
I may help to wake up someones mother they havent seen in years. A father that ostrasizes his own son. A friend that has abandon a life long companion based on religion.
I may help someone on the fence or someone feeling trapped that needs to discuss with another who can relate with their situation.
I feel like I have the "guts" to potentially help others that faders and DFd individuals cant.
so i chose to attend the memorial last night.
it was a hall i don't usually go to but chose to go there because i felt like it would be the closest.
mind you i am not a jw and was never raised a jw and don't have any family who are jw.
My motivation is to help others in ways DFd people or faders can't.
I can speak and not be silenced.
I can act without disappointing family and friends.
Many people wish they can do what I do. It's an amazing display of freedom that many don't have.